In honor of their 5 year anniversary, the topic for this week's Top Ten at the Broke and Bookish is top ten favorite topics that they have had over the years.
1. I love the seasonal TBR lists, since it is fun to see what everyone has on theirs! Perhaps not their most creative topic, but it is always an easy one to write about.;)
2. Top Ten characters who would of been at my lunch table in school. Or, something to that affect. This one was a blast to do! I forgot some incredible characters on my list, but it was such a fun topic.
3. Childhood favorites. Again, another easy, not very creative one for me to pick, but it's a favorites since I love re-visiting my childhood favorites and talking about where my love of reading started.;)
4. Favorite book quotes. I love quotes, and am always jotting down my favorites, so it is fun when this topic comes up and I finally have a chance to share my favorite quotes!

(a totally random favorite from one of my all time favorites)
5. Characters and Literary figures I would name my children after. Ah, the possibilities with this one! I think my husband would veto a lot of favorites.;)
6. Favorite love stories. Why? Because I am a hopeless sap who enjoys a well written love story (no Shades of Grey twaddle).
7. Fictional BFF's. This one is much like the Childhood favorites. I like re-visiting my favorite books and talking about them.;)
8. Bookish habits. This one was a hilarious topic! It was such fun to come up with a list of them for myself and then to see what other bloggers came up with. I have to say, it was nice to find that I wasn't alone in a lot of my habits.;) (I'd say misery likes company, but one is never miserable with an excellent book!)
9. Books I would want on a deserted island with me. It seems like this was one of my first memes that I did, and I may have been a bit practical (like, listing some survival books). While practical helps, it would also be nice to have favorites that I could read again and again, as well as some lengthy classics that I never made it through. Or, ones like War and Peace that, while I read it, I don't remember much. I think it might be more of a guy's book, with all the war, but that could just be an excuse.;)
10. Books I am passionate about. I could even have a list of ten that I love and ten that I loathe.;)
And, as a totally random bonus (since I feel weird about hardly including any pictures), here are a few of the books I'm working on this week:
The Curiosity Keeper

The Last Con

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

7 Family Ministry Essentials

I really enjoyed the lunch table one too - great picks!
ReplyDeleteCheck out my TTT.
That may very well have been my very favorite one of all.;)
DeleteThanks for stopping by!
Bookish habits was another fun one! :-) I loved reading those. There have been some great lists! My TTT!
ReplyDeleteThere have been some great lists! I love how creative some bloggers get.;)
DeleteGood list! I love list that have to do with characters and quotes! Please feel free to read mine here http://wonderstruck-kcks.blogspot.com/2015/06/my-ten-favorite-top-ten-topics-weve.html & Happy Summer Reading! =D
ReplyDeleteThanks! I still enjoy looking at other bloggers lists of favorite book quotes.;)
DeleteHappy summer!
As a primary school librarian, I really loved reading everyone's list of childhood favorites. Thanks for your list today!
ReplyDeleteHere's my Top Ten Top Tens!
I bet it was fun! I like adding to my list of books for my kids to read, since I missed out on some great stories as a kid.;)
DeleteThe lunch table topic was LOTS of fun. I enjoyed that one a lot, oh and the season TBR lists? I'm with you. Always enjoy those.
ReplyDeletePs; hope you're enjoying Beth's book. It sounds so cute. :)
I do think the lunch table one was my absolute favorite.;) I brought together a motley, fun crowd.;)
DeleteI look forward to reading Beth's book! It looks so adorable- I'm trying to exercise restraint and finish the books I have already started before picking it up to read.;)
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ReplyDeleteIt was hard topick just ten, since there have been so many fun ones.;)
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by! I look forward to reading your list.;)
I really want to do the characters you'd name your kids after topic, I think I might use it the next time we have a freebie. I couldn't really do this week's post as I haven't been doing TTT long enough, so i did an old topic instead this week.
ReplyDeleteMy TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2015/06/23/top-ten-tuesday-10/
Welcome to the group!;) I will have to look at the topic you chose.;)
DeleteThanks for stopping by!
I also did childhood favorites. I love the characters to name children after one.
ReplyDeleteGreat list! I loved all the ones you listed.
Here's mine
I also have a $30 giveaway going on here."
Childhood favorites is just a fun one to revisit.;)
DeleteI will be sure to hop over to your list.
(I did notice that you have a giveaway go. I hope I win. lol)