Each day from November 1st through the 26th write a few sentences about something you are thankful for, from A to Z.
On the first, you use the letter A, on the second, the letter B, and so on.
I love how these sort of things focus one's attention, leading up to Thanksgiving, on those things that make life so wonderful. So, even though I am a bit behind, I want to start making my list of things I am thankful for.;)
A Well, this year, I will have to put Andrew at the top of the list. About a year ago, I thought that I had finally figured out what I wanted in life, deciding I was quite happy where the Lord had put me. That is probably the closest to being content that I have ever been. Only to have that threatened by a young man who seemed almost to perfect and close to the list of qualities I wanted in a future spouse. I'm so thankful that God (and mum. lol) knew just what I needed in spit of my own stubbornness and ignorance.;) I can't wait to see where the next year takes us!
B I'm torn with this one. I think I will go with brothers though. I have three of them, and the last few years have grown so much closer to all of them. I'm thankful for them and all the joy they add in life! They make me laugh with their antics and let me cry on their shoulder when I am having a bad day. They are the best!
C Choir would be my choice for C, though I was tempted to go for chai.;) Being in a choir again this fall/winter is such fun! I missed singing a part in difficult music. Its like a breath of fresh air to sit with other second sopranos/altos and attempt to hit the right notes in the Messiah.
D Digital photography. I find such joy in capturing something on film, whether it be a natural beauty, like the sunset or Spring's first crocus, or one of my beloved family members/friends. There is something so satisfying about being able to capture a moment on film to share and look back on.
E Education and the chance to go to college this year. It has been quite a different step then I thought I would be taking at this stage in my life! But, so far it has been a lot of fun and just the challenge I need.
F Farmers markets! We are still selling at the one (for another three weeks), so they aren't totally over for the season. I know that markets have played a huge role in my life the last seven years. When we first started selling, I was a shy teenager. Having to talk to complete strangers and deal with customers every weekend has helped me to realize that people aren't so bad after all.;) For the most part, people are down right fun! (until a irate customer comes up, which, thankfully, isn't very often at all) I'm thankful for the world that farmers markets have opened up for me.;)
G I think this one will have to be God and His mighty grace. I don't know where I would be in the last year, if it wouldn't for Him. Its so nice to know that someone knows what is going on in this crazy world! Not to mention, its nice to pour your woe's into His listening ears.;)
H Health, and that my family has been blessed with good health this year. You don't realize just what a blessing it is to be healthy until you aren't.
I Ice water. I know it seems so small and insignificant, but it is one of the little joys in life.;) I didn't realize just how nice and essential ice water is until we didn't have it much down in Belize! It was so nice to come home and have our fill of ice.;)
J Journey's and the lasting impressions they leave on us. It seems like I can't come back from a trip without learning something new about myself and the world around me. It always reminds me just how much I am blessed with!