Top Ten book related problems that I have: (this should be fun!)
1. I am addicted to library reading problems. I loved taking part in the summer reading programs that the library would have. I mean, I read anyway, so I might as well win some free books to add to my shelves while I am at it, right? The only problem is, there's an age limit to the reading programs. So, I was thrilled to have a daughter of my own, and that they allow you to start right away in the summer reading program.;) We read as many books together as we could last summer.;)
2. I still haven't moved all of my books into our house.... At first, it was because the library in our house needed to be gutted, but that has been done for over a year. I think it is time to finally empty my parents house of all my books (much to my husband's chagrin!)
3. I always have a stack of books by my side of the bed. Sometimes more than one. I try to limit the pile to books I need to read soon, but somehow, others wind up in there....
4. I can never get out of the library without a bag of books.
5. There are never enough board books/kid books in this house! The library has been such a lifesaver in this house. As much as I love the books we have, I would go crazy if I was limited to just a few.;)
6. I can never have a small purse. It needs to at least fit a Kindle. If not a Kindle and a book or two.
7. When traveling, one of my worst fears is that I won't have enough books to read when on the road or in the air.;) I'm very much a moody reader, I have to be in the mood to read certain books (especially mysteries, for some reason). When I traveled to Australia, I took a huge backpack of books and hardly read any of them... I like to think this problem will be easier to manage now that I have a Kindle, since I have a variety on there that I need to read!
8. I sometimes forget the books that I have on my Kindle. Out of sight, out of mind, perhaps?:)
9. I write in my books. Generally not in fiction, since I will just write a great quote elsewhere (like in my journal), but a lot of my nonfiction books are seriously marked up. Especially C.S. Lewis.
10. I cannot pass up a bookstore, even if I'm not looking for anything specific. Independent, used bookstores are probably the worse, since I can find such good deals that I can't help but buy something!
So, what are your bookish problems?
I'm there with you on not passing up a bookstore. There might be treasure there, especially at a used bookstore. LOL
ReplyDeleteIndeed! It's a good thing I live in a small town, and the nearest bookstore is a bit of a jaunt, since I would spend way to much on books if I could walk to a bookstore.;)
DeleteNumber 6, oh yes! I always *have* to have a book with me when I leave. Even if I never do read out (because I don't have the opportunity), it's always about, "what if?" You never know if the chance could crop up. :D
ReplyDeletePs; ignore this if you saw the question on my blog in response to your comments, but I just wanted to let you know that I hadn't forgotten about emailing you, Amanda. I just didn't seen an email addy on your blog. If you had one you wanted to share, you can let me know. If not, I totally understand and again, just ignore my question. :)
lol, 'cause you never know when your car may break down, or you could be stuck waiting on someone.;) It's just reassuring to know the book is there!
DeleteI blame it on my dad, who's a talker, so my siblings and I were always stuck waiting on him to stop talking, so we could go.;)
I need to put my email up on here (thanks for letting me know, since I didn't see the comment on your blog! I meant to check back, but kept thinking of it at inopportune times) it's calamity_manda(at)yahoo(dot)com
Thanks for the reminder! And, for stopping by.:)
Exactly! You never know if you might be stuck somewhere. It's a good thing to have a book with you. :)
DeleteThanks for the email. No worries. I know some people don't like to share their email, so I thought if that was the case for you, no big deal. I just wanted you to know I hadn't forgotten your question. :)
It has saved me from boredom when having car troubles.;)
DeleteThanks! I have to keep my eyes open for your email, since I'm sometimes over vigilant about cleaning out my inbox.;)
I love visiting bookstores and am addicted to buying books!!! Nice list for the week. Here's a link to my TTT for the week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2015/02/top-ten-tuesday-ten-book-related.html
ReplyDeleteIt's a habit that is rough on the pocket book, hey?
DeleteThanks for stopping by!
Bookstores call my name. Also, I have to at least glance at the book section in any store that happens to carry them. I love C.S. Lewis too :)
ReplyDeleteMe too! Even if it's a thrift store or antique store and looks like there is nothing of interest.
DeleteIsn't his writing great?
Great list. I love going to bookstores which causes me to buy even more books which probably isn't good!
ReplyDeleteKrystianna @ Downright Dystopian
It's a endless cycle..... I tell myself it's an acceptable obsession. Lol.
DeleteI rarely write in books, but I must admit that I've annotated a few of my C.S. Lewis books! I know what you mean about traveling. I have to plan out what books I'm bringing on a trip weeks in advance. It takes much thought!
ReplyDeleteIt's hard not to write in my books by Lewis. I tried, but I just wanted to be able to flip to my very favorite passages at any given time.;)
DeleteIt does take a lot of thought! I'm glad I am not the only one.;)
ReplyDeleteI can surely relate!
My purse has to be big enough to at least carry my Kindle.
I have over 1,000 books on my Kindle, and all in categories of some kind. So, I can read whatever strikes my mood. Great for traveling, and for appts.
Right now I have a series, 7 books, that I have been working on for 2 years. Funny thing, I can remember what the highlights of the series are about and what I am reading about where I left off. Right now I am on book 6.