A crumbling statue. A torn tapestry. A discolored painting.
Artisans can reclaim exquisite beauty from the broken, frayed, and hopefully shattered—perhaps once thought beyond repair. But what about us? What of the wounds that keep us from living the life we want to live?
In Tattered and Mended, readers walk through a gallery of reclaimed and restored art as well as broken and restored lives of those who have gone before us. With a gentle touch and personable wisdom, Cynthia Ruchti shows how even the most threadbare soul can once again find healing and hope.
My thoughts: God never promised us easy lives, but He does promise that He will be right there beside us when the result of living in a fallen world is heartbreak and loss. With her lyrical, engaging style, Cynthia Ruchti weaves a wonderful, hope filled book with personal experiences and heartbreaks of others that reminds us that God is a healer who can restore and bring something of beauty out of our brokenness. I found this book to be thought provoking. I love that the message is one of hope.
I received this book from Litfuse in exchange for my honest review.
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