We have no qualms laying out men’s sins—especially abusive behavior. But we’ve avoided “going there” when it comes to women. This book offers advice to heal marriages and families where women display controlling behavior or create fear. It will help turn crumbling relationships into partnerships of love and trust.
My thoughts: This book provides a unique view on the relationship between a husband and wife and the tactics that women can use to control their marriage. Some of the things one will learn to avoid in this book:
Controlling your spouse
Using all forms of abuse
Transferring blame
Setting unreasonable expectations
Creating doubts or fear.
None of us are perfect, and I appreciated that this book points out some different things that a wife can struggle with. Whether or not they are full blown faults or just the start of a bad habit. This book was eye opening and would be a great resource for any young adult or grown woman who is looking to start a marriage with good habits or trying to learn to get past old habits that are unhealthy.
I received this book from Cedar Fort in exchange for my honest review.
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