About the book:
What can you do when family members turn away from your cherished faith? How can you move from such powerful disappointment to a place of peace? This book takes a thoughtful look at how you can face your new reality, hold on to hope, and stay connected with children who exercise agency in ways you would not choose for them. Uplifting and encouraging, this book is perfect for helping parents and grandparents alike to find the seemingly elusive peace they seek.
About the author:
Robin Zenger Baker has a psychology degree from Stanford University, an Organizational Behavior Master’s degree from BYU, and a PhD in Organizational Strategy from UCLA. She is currently studying Family Therapy and Counseling at UMass Boston. She has written for the Ensign magazine, and has edited and co-authored multiple publications in the field of organizational behavior. She is a past president of the BYU Alumni Association Boston chapter, and currently works to raise funds for local inner city youth to attend church schools.
My thoughts: While a lot of the books from Cedar Fort carry over well to other denominations, I would say that this book is not one of them. This book is geared towards the LDS church and what parents go through when their children leave the church. While there are some themes that carry over well, like sharing your testimony of the Lord when the time is right and finding joy in your children growing up to be good, moral people despite not sticking with church, overall it addresses a lot of the LDS beliefs and how the church is handling being in a changing world where young people want to go with whatever ideas seem progressive (never mind that a lot of them have been around since the dawn of time and a lot of the arguments are old as well, but I digress). I think this is a great resource for struggling parents.
I received this book from Cedar Fort in exchange for my honest review.
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