With it being Thanksgiving this week, I am going to veer from my normal bookish top ten lists and just write down the top ten things that I am most thankful for this year.
1. Jesus Christ
Honestly, teaching my toddler about Him has made me realize all over again just how incredible He is.
2. My family
Despite rough days (today being one of them, after recovering partially from a super busy week), I adore my little family and am so thankful to be blessed with them. I also am incredible for my family and my wonderful in laws.
3. Cold frames!
Okay, so totally random, but my husband built one this summer and it has been so nice to have lettuce greens still!
4. A job I love
Due to changes in our family, I will be quitting my job at a bakery after having it for over 12 years. It has been such an incredible fit for me, I didn't realize just how much I loved baking until I started working there, but the time has come to focus on my growing family. I need time at home to finish tackling things like potty training.;)
5. Farmers markets
I've had a booth at numerous markets over the years. We did two holiday markets this past weekend, and it was so much fun! I love the interesting people that come by and the chance to meet other vendors And, when we bring a bit to many baked goods, it is fun to go around and trade for fun things like seasoned salt, sauerkraut, lip balm, and fresh salsa.;)
6. Good friends
I've made several new(ish) friends this year, though perhaps a better way to put it is that acquaintances have turned into friends. I am incredibly thankful for the chance to get to know several people a lot better over the past year!
7. Blogging friends
It always makes my day to find a comment left by one of my blogging friends. It makes my day and I am thankful that you have taken the time to send a ray of sunshine my way!
8. Authors
I can only imagine the work that had gone into my favorite stories, and I am thankful that you didn't quit when it was hard or writers block happened. (I guess I can't do one of these without talking about books in some form!)
9. Chocolate!
Another little thing that I am thankful for! We went to a local chocolatier on a recent girls trip and it was amazing! My mouth is still happy, just thinking about it. lol.
10. A warm roof over my head
We are still working on remodeling our home, but I am still thankful for it and how much it has changed since we bought it 5 years ago. I look forward to seeing the changes that happen in the next year!
What are you thankful for?