Nearly a year has passed since Scott and Bailey’s Christmas wedding. Now they are expecting joy in the form of twins!
The day arrives for the opening of Barkley House, a missionary retreat provided by Bailey’s inheritance, but an unspeakable evil descends upon Bailey as she awaits her ride to the opening ceremony. Scott can’t find her.
Shocking revelations accompany Bailey’s ordeal. Will she ever find joy again
My thoughts: This is the third book in the series and we come into the story after Bailey and Scott have been married for a year and are eagerly awaiting the birth of their babies. Both Bailey and Scott face difficult situations with looking evil in the face and struggling to overcome it. I like that the story is in first person, so we get the story from both Bailey and Scott's view points. This story is excellent!
With this being the third book, I highly recommend reading the series in order to fully appreciate this one.
I received this book from Celebrate Lit. This is my honest review.
Purchase a copy here:
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About the Author:
Jody Bailey Day writes inspirational fiction, poetry, Bible studies, and articles from her home in West Texas. She is a member of Faithwriters.com, American Christian Fiction Writers, and is the president of Critique Café, West Texas area writers group. She mentors young writers, and is a musician and music teacher. She and her husband love silent and black and white movies, and the chaos that comes with fifteen grandchildren. She crochets blankets for her ministry called Wrapped in Prayer Blanket ministry. Jody considers herself a professional nerd, and loves every minute of it.
More from Jody
I’m so excited about the release of Joy Express. It’s the culmination of a series that began in my heart on the way home from the first writer’s conference I ever attended. The East Texas Writer’s Conference was held at my alma mater, East Texas Baptist College, which is now University. I was incredibly inspired, and on I20 toward Dallas I saw a sign that said Washout Express, Exit 477. Turns out that was giant truck wash. My thought was, “What would it be like to be totally washed out, washed up, and at the end of your rope?” I’d been there and was on the other side, but I wanted to write a story about the process. Bailey Brown was born. Joy Express is Book 3 in the series and follows Bailey and Scott through a series of tremendous obstacles, and how their faith and family got them to the other side. It’s not tied up with a nice little bow, life is rarely like that, but it does come to a redemptive pause in their story. I hope you’ll pick it up and read the message of faith. You can come back from anything.
For a complete list of blog stops, go here!
To celebrate her tour, Jody is giving away the grand prize of a print copy of Joy Express!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link here to enter.
Thanks for hosting me and for the review;)