What does the church need to hear today?
As many have said, the church must always be reforming. It must continually move closer to a truer, more faithful expression of the gospel. The risen Christ’s powerful letters to the seven churches in Revelation are a guide to just that.
Based on John MacArthur’s exposition of these letters, Christ’s Call to Reform the Church is a plea to the modern church to heed these divine warnings, to reform before it succumbs to the kinds of compromise and error that invite God’s judgment.
Christ’s Call to Reform the Church admonishes the church today to learn from the mistakes God’s people have made in the past, rather than commit them again. The Word of God has many benefits, one of which is that it reveals our blind spots. That's what this book does—it shines a light on problems we didn't know we had. May it be embraced by Christians everywhere, spurring them toward the God-honoring, grace-driven work of continued reformation.
My thoughts: Over all, I liked a lot of what John has to say with this book. I enjoyed taking a deeper look through the letters to the churches in Revelations, something that we have been going through in class at my church. It was interesting to get some more of the history on those places. I didn't agree totally with what he had to say about God speaking to us today. I get where he is coming from, that we need to not just accept that what we feel is from God, but that we need to hold those thoughts next to scripture and see how it holds up. I do believe that God speaks to us today, when we are truly seeking Him.
I received this book from Moody, this is my honest review and is in no way influenced by receiving a complimentary copy.
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