Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Five foods

1. Avocados, especially when made up into guacamole.

2. A good dark chocolate.

3. Sharp cheddar cheese

4. Pumpkin pie.

5. Fruit.


  1. Everything you listed are things that I absolutely love!! Esp. the first 3! =)

  2. Yeah, a good, dark chocolate can really satisfy a sweet tooth.;)
    Do you all have avocado trees growing in your area?

  3. No, they don't grow here very well; too cold. We've had them get as big as 3 feet and kept them in the house but then they always died =/

  4. I would love to try and have one, but I doubt it would do much out here in the house. That would be one benefit to living in a warmer climate, then I could have tons of fruit trees and an avocado tree.;)
