
Monday, June 23, 2014

Historical Classics

1. Tell us  a little bit about yourself, your tastes, and the little hobbies and things that your readers probably don't know about you!
 I'm the oldest of 5 (and am told that I am very much the stereotypical  bossy oldest....). I was homeschooled almost all the way through school. I am an extrovert who married an introvert (which can make things interesting. Especially when both of us are quiet. I get chatty, while my husband just wants silence.;) We live in an old house that still needs tons of work: I secretly call it the White Elephant (which will have to change, since we plan on getting the exterior painted next month!), since sometimes it feels like a gag gift.;) We have one beautiful daughter who will be one before I know it. I have always wanted to be a mother, but was shocked at just how much fun being a parent can be. Yes, it is work, but well worth it!

2. Books! We really do love them. . . but we all have preferences of what kind of books we love best. What is your favourite genre to read from (and to write in, if you happen to be a writer too)? Could you tell us why?
 Right now, I read a lot of fiction, since it is easy to read with a little one, but classics are probably my favorite. The 1800's is my favorite time period, since they knew how to write so beautifully and the stories generally had such depth to them. The only thing I like better about modern fiction is that it usually has more emotion.
I'm afraid I only toy with the idea of writing a book. I think I am too critical of my own writing to actually do a book.

3. Are you fond of classic literature or do you generally find them too "dry" and hard-going for your tastes? Alternately, how much of your reading diet consists of books written by authors of the 21st century? Are you more fond of the old books or the new. . . or maybe a little bit of both?
 Well, I have already answered this, to a degree. I like a variety of classics, modern, non fiction, Christian self help, a bit of poetry...

4. What is your favourite historical time period and setting? How did you come to be especially interested in it? Would you be happy to live in that time-period or era?
I think my favorite will probably always be the American pioneer years. Little House on the Prairie was one of the first books I read. I remember playing like I was on the American frontier all the time as a kid. Now that I am older, I would have to say that I wouldn't want to live back then, since I wouldn't like the isolation on the prairie, not to mention that you had to work so hard just to do "simple" household chores, like laundry. I would love to homestead though.;)

5.. List three of your favourite classic "historical" authors (authors from the 1500s and up to the very 1900s such as Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, the Bronte sisters, Robert Louis Stevenson, Mark Twain, etc. . . )? What makes you love them so much?
That is a hard one! I love Jane Austen for her wit and romance. Elizabeth Gaskell is another absolute favorite, since she is a good blend of Austen and Dickens. Oscar Wilde might be my third choice, even though his personal life was a total wreck, I love his humor and the morals to his plays and stories. I'm going to cheat too and add Victor Hugo. I love Les Miserables!

 6. What type of "Historical classic" is your favourite: Adventure and exploration, romance, mystery, social, memoir, or political?
Again, I like a variety. I enjoy the mystery in Wilkie Collins novels. I like the romance of Gaskell and Austen. I like the social and political parst of Dickens. I also enjoy the adventure of Sabatini.

 7. Share some of your most well-loved heroines from historical novels in literature, and why you love them so much! What virtues/traits in them would you like to attain yourself? 
I like Austen's Emma. Yes, you can argue that she is a spoiled brat at the beginning, but she is willing to learn from her mistakes and change.
Gaskell's Margaret Hale for her devotion to her family and how she becomes involved with those working in the mill. She has to grow and realize her mistakes, but it's a journey most of us can relate to.
I like Austen's Lizzy for her spunk. 
Also, Jo March is fun, with her imagination.

8. Who are your favourite heroes from historical literature? (You may share up to five). What makes them stand out among the rest as special?
Hands down, Mr. Knightley! He is a true gentleman who puts others before himself (like when  Harriet is being snubbed and he offers to dance with her). He also seeks to bring out the best in Emma.

10. Which period-drama movies, (adaptions from historical classic works of fiction), fall under your favourite pile? Do you prefer the more modern adaptions or the old ones? Faithful renditions, or the more exciting ones?

 11. Which historical classic has inspired and influenced you the most?
I would have to say Les Miserables. It is such an incredible story! 

12. Give a list (preferably with pictures!) of your favourite period drama costumes (hats, hoops, gloves, parasols, etc) and from which movie/character they come from.
Margaret Hale
 Emma Woodhouse

13. How accurate do you think classic authors were about depicting history and accuracy of different cultures? Were they sometimes prejudiced or melodramatic in their descriptions, or do you think they often had a point to make?  
When they wrote about the times they lived in, I think they were accurate. 

 14. Think of the funniest "scene" in either a book or movie from classic literature, and share the quote/picture below (Gifs and animations allowed!)
 Squire Hamley: I'm not saying she was very silly, but one of us was silly and it wasn't me.(Wives and Daughters)

15. Which villain of historical literature strikes the most dread and loathing in you?
I can't think of one off the top of my head

16.  How many Charles Dickens novels have you read? Do you enthusiastically love his stories, or sob in misery over them, or worse get bored by them? 
I've only finished a couple of them, though I do like them. I just think that they are ones that you have to really be paying attention to, since he has so many characters and so much going on. I want to read more of his, since I like the stories.

17. Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, or Elizabeth Gaskell? 
I think Elizabeth Gaskell, since I like that her stories are more than just a romance.

18. Favourite French Revolution novel?
I know I liked A Tale of Two Cities a lot when I read it, but the Scarlet Pimpernel may  be my favorite.

 19. North and South or Pride and Prejudice? Mr. Darcy or Mr. Thornton?
Mr. Darcy.

20. Which historical classic struck you with the most sense and depth of faith and the author's perception of morality, ethics and the Christian walk? Can you share a little bit about it?
I think Les Miserables, with the incredible story of forgiveness and what a second chance can do in a person's life.

21. Who is your favourite side-kick (secondary character) in literature of this genre? 
Jane in Pride and Prejudice.

22. List five "Historical Classics" you are especially looking forward and eager to read in the near future.
Our Mutual Friend
Scarlet Pimpernel
Little Dorritt
23. What was the first historical classic novel you ever read and how did it strike you?
Sense and Sensibility (at age 11). I remember that I liked it, though I had to look up a ton of the words.;)

24. What would inspire you to pick up a historical piece of literature - namely a "classic"? Do you believe it is important for our generation to get back to reading the classics? What do you believe are both the benefits, negatives and overall effects of treasuring historical stories written by authors of the past?
I think we can learn a lot about how to write, not to mention a lot of the stories have a higher moral code than fiction today.
Read other's lists at:


  1. I was glad some else put the pioneer days down as their historical/live in preference.... I think it would be awesome! :) I love Little House on the Prairie :D

    1. Wouldn't it of been neat to travel into the unknown? I bet the land was even more beautiful when it was relatively untouched!
