
Monday, January 23, 2017

Top Ten: characters I would love to have in my family

1. Jo March

Really, the whole March family, since I love the way the sisters interact! They would be marvelous cousins.;)

2. Lady Miranda

With her dry wit, she would make a wonderful relative as well!

3. Tatum

Granted, I'm not quite done with this one, but there is something about Tatum and her Cinderella story that makes one want to adopt her!

4. Elizabeth Bennet

Because really, who wouldn't want Elizabeth Bennet as a sister?;)

5. Anne Elliot

As an older, wiser sister.;)

6. Fred and George Weasley

Can you imagine these two as uncles? I know this one is kind of out there, but they would make hilarious, young uncles who would constantly be getting the younger generation in to trouble with their brilliant ideas.;)

7. Lucy

Lucy and her sweet imagination would make her a wonderful younger sister.;)

8. Henoria

She's just a cool aunt in this story!


  1. Totally agree that being related to Fred and George would be a blast. I also think that Lucy would be a joy to have around. What a creative topic choice. Your list was fun to read. :D

  2. Ah Fred and George would be so much fun! And Lucy, too, so adventurous.I am behind on my classics, so I don't know the other characters very well, but they are probably very useful!

    Brittney @ Reviews from a Dreamer

    My TTT

    1. I meant to do ten, but my computer decided I had was done.;)
      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Having Fred and George in the family would be fun! I'd love to have Jo March in the family too.

    1. I would love to be related to the whole March clan, since they seemed to have such fun with their plays.;)

  4. Jo! Lizzie! Lucy! Who wouldn't want these ladies in our families!? Lucy is a literary heroine I so admire. Wish I had her pure and trusting faith.

    Cannot wait to meet Christina June's characters this summer. :)

    1. I agree! She reminds me that I'm supposed to have a childlike faith.

  5. Fred and George would be the most awesome brothers! Or uncles or cousins!
    My TTT:

    1. They would be fun brothers, though horrible older brothers. lol.

  6. Nice topic!!

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:
