
Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Skinny Life

Skinny Life® provides new tools to help you identify destructive beliefs that sabotage not just your attempts at weight loss, but also destroy your total health and well-being. Hansen shows you how
to replace those saboteurs with healthy new beliefs that create life- long personal health and success. The key: In order to change your life, you must change how you think! Once you do, you can finally become the person you always wanted to be—one that stays healthy, youthful, spiritually strong, and thin for life. Your beliefs drive your behavior, which, in turn, shapes your body.

My thoughts: Crystal Dwyer Hansen is a life coach who discovered some secrets in her own life to losing weight and being healthier. In this book, she shares some of those tips with readers.
I think that she has a lot of great points in her program, especially when it comes to changing your mind set and viewing your body as a temple and looking at food in relation to how it will nourish you, not just how good it tastes.;) I also think she has valid points on what to stay away from, when it comes to food.
I enjoyed reading the testimonies she included in the book!
I received this book from Worthy in exchange for my honest review.

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